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D3.2 Standard document for stationary battery tests ready to be implemented by the industry - link
D4.1 Overview of regulations in force in Europe and Japan on Li-ion stationary battery system - link
D4.2 Proposal for a harmonized environmental regulatory framework for European regulations on Li-ion - link
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STALLION – STABALID joint final conference
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Supporting the deployment of safe Li-ion stationary batteries
for large-scale grid applications
March 10, 2015
Düsseldorf (Germany)
13:45 – 14:00
Arrival of the participants
14:00 – 14:20
Welcome addresses and introduction of the meeting
Olivier Salvi (EU-VRi) & Bart Mantels (VITO)
14:20 – 16:00
Presentations (1/2)
Risk analysis, FMECA
Jos van der Burgt (DNV GL) & Filipe Soares (INESC Porto)
DNO perspective
Susete Albuquerque (EDP)
Test procedures
Johannes Rößner (TÜV) & Christoph Borlinghaus (VDE) 
Harmonized environmental regulatory framework
Amandine Lecocq (INERIS)
Materials selection
David Merchin (Umicore)
16:30 – 17:50
Presentations (2/2)
Advanced sensors
Elisabeth Lemaire (CEA)
Update IEC SC21A, TC120
Jean-Marie Bodet (SAFT)
System integrator perspective
Festus Coetzee (ABB)
Haike van de Vegte (DNV GL)
17:50 – 18:00
Closing remarks and conclusion
Olivier Salvi (EU-VRi) & Bart Mantels (VITO)
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The article "The STABALID Project: Risk Analysis of Stationary Li-Ion Batteries for Power System Applications" prepared by INESC Porto has published in the journal "Reliability Engineering and System Safety" (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0951832015001167)
This work presents a risk analysis performed to stationary Li-ion batteries within the framework of the STABALID project. The risk analysis had as main objective analysing the variety of hazards and dangerous situations that might be experienced by the battery during its life cycle and providing useful information on how to prevent or manage those undesired events. The first task of the risk analysis was the identification of all the hazards (or risks) that may arise during the battery life cycle. Afterwards, the hazards identified were mapped in the different stages of the battery life cycle and two analyses were performed for each stage: an internal problem analysis and an external peril analysis. For both, the dangerous phenomena and the undesirable events resulting from each hazard was evaluated in terms of probability of occurrence and severity. Then, a risk assessment was carried out according to a predefined risk matrix and a preliminary set of risk mitigation measures were proposed to reduce their probability of occurrence and/or their severity level. The results obtained show that it is possible to reduce the probability of occurrence/severity of all the risks associated to the battery life cycle to acceptable or tolerable levels.
Article (open access): http://stabalid.eu-vri.eu/filehandler.ashx?file=13821
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