STALLION and STABALID consortia are pleased to announce that they will organize their joint final conference during the IRES/ESE conferences.
STALLION – STABALID joint final conference
on March 10, 2015,
From 14:00 to 18:00
in Düsseldorf (Germany)
The STABALID (STAtionary Batteries LI-ion safe Deployment - www.stabalid.eu-vri.eu) and STALLION (Safety Testing Approaches for Large Lithium-Ion Battery Systems - www.stallion-project.eu) EU FP7 projects aim at supporting the deployment of safe Li-ion stationary batteries for large-scale grid applications. In close collaboration, STALLION and STABALID have developed, tested, validated and are disseminating a new international standard for stationary battery safety tests. In parallel to this collaborative work, STALLION has incorporated the state of the art in the relevant technological areas like materials, cell architecture and detection methods. From its side, STABALID has assessed the environmental regulatory frameworks existing in various countries and the corresponding barriers for the deployment of stationary batteries.
This final event aims at presenting the results of the two projects. The programme will include presentations on (the detailed programme will be communicated later on):
- The existing Protocols for Safety Testing of batteries
- Innovative sensors and material selection
- A harmonized regulatory framework
- Safety testing protocols developed and validated by STALLION and STABALID
- Feedback from system integrator and user/operator of large storage systems
We kindly ask you to register below by February 30, 2015.
If you register for our seminar (which is free of charge) you will receive a free one-day ticket for the exhibition.
About IRES/ESE conferences
As mentioned, the final conference will be organized as a side event at the International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES) and Energy Storage Europe (ESE) conferences and expo.
More information about these events at:
As a participant of our seminar, you will receive a free one-day ticket for the exhibition. If desired, you may register for the IRES/ESE conference(s) separately. You are entitled to a 20% discount for each ESE conference ticket. In order to receive the discount, please enter the following code at the online registration site in the field “Your discount code”: 000005cq9ypf – Please find the TICKETSHOP here. Take your chance to save additional € 200 with the Early-Bird-Rate until latest 31st January, 2015.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Dusseldörf in March.
The STABALID & STALLION Coordination Teams
Stabalid@eu-vri.eu - info@stallion-project.eu